
How To Use Your Credit Card Intelligently : Credit card review Debt information

How To Use Your Credit Card Intelligently : Credit card review Debt information
by Richard Adams

Credit cards are a true godsend as they provide a safe and effective way to make purchases when one does not wish to carry large sums of money around. Additionally, they provide an effective means of accessing financial resources during an emergency when actual capital might be limited. Yes, credit cards do offer a great number of benefits, but these benefits will be completely turned on their head when a credit card is not used intelligently. If a credit card is used foolishly or irresponsibly, then the results may prove to be downright disastrous.

That is to say, if one is buried under a massive mountain of debt, whatever benefits the cards previously possessed will be undermined. As such, it is critical to use a credit card intelligently and here are a few simple guidelines to help you in that regard.First, what must be understood that "using a credit card" start not with the very first time you make a credit card purchase, but with the actual application process. That is to say, it is critical to select the right card before even attempting to use it. For example, American Express requires that its entire balance be paid off in full every month.

If you are unable to do this, then you should not be using an American express card as the potential to ruin your credit from missed payments becomes extremely likely. As such, select the right card that fits your needs off the bat.This brings us to our next point - select a card that is low in interest. If you are using a card that has a very high interest rate, you are simply not using your card intelligently. If you accept a card with a 19% interest rate when you could have had a card at a 12% interest rate, then you have simply made life much more difficult for yourself as you will be amassing a significant amount of interest payments that could have been completely avoided.

This brings about the next point which is one that most people overlook: credit cards are not gifts; they are loans. When you use a credit card to make a purchase, you have to pay the loan back. Yes, this may seem like a very simple notion, but many, many people do not even think of it! As such, they overspend and overcharge with their card and this can lead to a massive amount of debt in a very short period of time. Often, the debts that are accrued are debts based on needless leisure purchases. This type of reckless spending is probably the most unintelligent manner in which to use a credit card.

Of course, everyone needs to spend an entertainment dollar here and there and this is understandable. However, when one is reckless with this type of spending the results can be cataclysmic. So, it is best to stick within a reasonable budget for entertainment purchases and not allow fiscal irresponsibility to cause financial Armageddon.Here is also another tip that can keep costs low: pay cash whenever possible.

That is to say, do not get into the habit of always pulling out the credit card and using it to make purchases when cash is available. This is a surefire way of amassing needless debts so do not get into this habit!Ultimately, the most intelligent way to use a credit card is to use it with common sense and proper financial decision making. If you follow some basic, simple guidelines of financial responsibility then such credit card errors and problems will be avoided. Credit cards are a good thing to have; don't turn them into something bad!


Simplify Your Bookkeeping With Credit Cards

Simplify Your Bookkeeping With Credit Cards
by Debbie Dragon

Did you know that just by having a credit card for your business that you can actually help in your bookkeeping efforts? It's true, a business credit card can not only help you separate your business and personal expenses, but it can also help you manage your finances at the same time. Many credit card companies that offer business credit cards also offer reports of your account. These reports may come monthly, quarterly, or annually.

In some cases, it is generated for you and in others you have to request the reports.No matter which type of report you need or receive, the one thing about business credit cards is that they can be of great help when it comes time to tend to your bookkeeping duties. The great thing about these reports is that when they are created in many cases they are categorized. For instance, if you have multiple additional cards for your employees or partners, each card number will have its own section.These sections will define the usage of each number as well. This is a great way to not only determine where your expenses are going and whom they are going to, but also to determine if there is any abuse with the cards.

Another great thing about these reports is the fact that they can also be categorized by expense type.This means that when your reports come to you, they will have sections regarding expense categories. This could include categories such as gas and fuel, office supplies, travel expenses, food and hotel expenses, or miscellaneous expenses. This is excellent for your bookkeeping records. It allows you to simply look at your reports and place the appropriate amounts in the appropriate categories.In some cases, credit card companies offer these in paper and digital form.

The digital form of the reports can actually save you a great deal of time as well. Just think, if you download the report in the right format, you can transfer it directly into your financial or accounting software program and it most cases it will read the file and put the items where they need, without much help from you.Using a business credit card offers many benefits to your business. Not only can you simplify your bookkeeping tasks, but you can save time, and money as well. If you know just where all of your business money is going, you can better plan and budget for everything.

It allows you to keep track of expenses easily and efficiently, ensuring that your business is operating at full efficiency and productivity at all time.Other benefits of a business credit card include bonuses and rewards that your business can earn with each purchase made. This means that you can save even more money on business expenses such as office supplies, travel, accommodations, and so much more.

Having a business credit card just makes sense in so many different ways.The one thing you really need to do is research and compare the different credit cards. It is important to choose the credit card that benefits your business the most. For example, if you travel a great deal on business trips, you might want to consider a frequent flyer credit card that gives you incentives such as free airline tickets, upgrades, and so much more.

If you shop at a certain office supply most often, you should consider one that allows you to save money on office supplies or at that certain store. There are so many different types of credit cards available for your business, it is up to you to choose the one that makes owning a business easier.


How To Avoid Credit Card's Penalizing Fees

How To Avoid Credit Card's Penalizing Fees
by Ester Besmonte

When the amount of payment on your Credit Cards went up and you're finding it hard to pay everything on time, you will definitely be charged penalizing fees, high interest rates on the amount owed and many administrative costs because of your late or missed payments. Look for a Loan Experts to help you negotiate with your creditors a 65% reduction on the amount you owe them. They will also help you get a new repayment schedule adapted to your needs and low monthly payments you’ll be able to afford with your current income. Your debt will be shrunk dramatically and you’ll recover from your debt. Get the benefits of being debt-free and having a good credit score.


Meeting Requirements On Your Credit Card Application

Meeting Requirements On Your Credit Card Application
by Pamela Williams

Planning on getting a credit card?
Are you hesitant because you’re not sure whether you’ll be approved or not? Are there problems with your credit score? If your answer is yes, consider these credit card application tips and know how you can meet the requirements on your credit card application.Know you credit score. First, it’s important to be aware of your credit status. Have you taken a copy of your credit report? If you haven’t yet, get your copy now and see if all the information and charges on your report are correct. If it is accurate but you find that you have a low credit score, it’s time to start rebuilding your credit.Pay your current bills on time.

The best credit cards do require good credit so it’s best to boost your score first before sending your application. After getting a copy of your credit report, make sure that you settle all your bills and submit your payments on time. If you want to improve your score, you can’t afford to make another miss or delay on your payment. You do need at least six months to start improving your score, but if you are punctual with your payments, there should be no problem raising your rating.Don’t close your old credit cards.

If you want to apply for a new credit card to replace your old credit card, don’t close them. Even if you’re not using them because of their high cost and interest, you still want to keep them in your account? Why? Because they play a significant role in your credit history. Closing your old credit cards would be like erasing the previous parts of your credit history. Instead of closing these valuable credit cards, keep them but don’t use them. To keep them active, use them to pay for smaller bills or make a small purchase that you can easily pay.Don’t charge more on your credit cards.

If you still have a balance with your current credit card, then put more burden to your budget by charging more on your credit cards. Instead, focus on repaying all your balances with all your creditors in full. This is the best way to boost your credit score.Don’t maximize your credit limit. An ideal usage of your credit limit should be 40 of your allotted credit is already damaging to your credit score. And not only that.

When you often maximize your credit line, you are at risk of being charged with higher costs and interest rates by your creditors.Don’t send credit card applications at once. Don’t try to test your chances of getting approved by submitting credit card applications to several issuers. You’re only doing more damage than good to your credit. Even worse, if a credit card issuer rejects your application, you lower down your credit score even more. Be patient and be smart. The best thing to do to get approved is work on your credit score before even thinking of submitting your application.


Get the most out of every dollar you spend - Using rewards credit cards

Get the most out of every dollar you spend - Using rewards credit cards
by Adam Valentine

We all have expenses, some more than others. Why not get something out of it? With so many reward credit cards out there that offer sky miles, hotel discounts, cash back, gas bonuses etc. we should all be taking advantage of these. If you shop around a little you can find the type of bonus you like best and the best offer that's currently out there for that type of bonus.If you own your own business you have an opportunity to really rack up the bonus points. I'll use someone I know personally as an example.

I know an electrician that owns his own business. When he gets a job he has to buy materials. The customer ultimately pays for the material as well has the labor but the gentlemen I know does have to lay out the initial funds for the materials. And we're talking about jobs where the material costs alone may be a few thousand dollars. He's in a fantastic situation here because he can quickly earn thousands of points toward a free trip or gas for the company truck with every job and the customer ends up paying for the materials anyway.

Even if you don't own a business that requires you to put thousands of dollars every month on a credit card you still have an opportunity to earn some nice bonuses that you would not otherwise receive unless you were using a bonus type credit card. If your car breaks down and you've got to pay $700 to fix it, you might as well earn some bonus points. If you're doing any remodeling around the house there's an opportunity to rack up some points.But it doesn't have to be big ticket items. Every dollar you spend with these credit cards earns points for you. Now, I'm not saying you should go on wild shopping sprees but we all have certain expenses.

Things that we have to pay for one way or another. Things like groceries, gas, cell phone bills etc. These types of expenses are things that you buy every week or every month. Instead of paying for them with a credit card that doesn't offer you anything other than a high interest rate, you could be paying for them with a credit card that will earn you a couple of free airline tickets to Hawaii, or a free week at a four star hotel, or cash back, or free gas.Please spend your money responsibly. But if you have to spend the money, you might as well get something out of it.


Know How to Lower Your Credit Card Interest Rates

Know How to Lower Your Credit Card Interest Rates?
by Scott Stadler

Are you currently carrying a large balance on your credit card? Do you ever find it necessary to carry a balance occasionally from time to time? If you can answer yes to either of these questions, now is the perfect time to take a look at your credit card's interest rate and find out if you could be saving big money.Many times, credit card APR's (annual percentage rates) have a way of gradually creeping upwards while we fail to take notice.

It's easy to sign up for a credit card offering a certain low rate only to find the rate has dramatically risen just a couple of years later. The good news is that it's just as easy to reverse the situation if you know how to lower your credit card interest rates.

How?Just Call and Ask
This is perhaps the easiest and also the most often overlooked tactic to lowering credit card interest rates. If you have good credit and have maintained a great record of paying all of your bills early or on time, most credit card companies will be thrilled to lower your interest rate if that's what it will take to keep you as a good customer.

Just call the number on the back of your card and see what they can do.Log In Online and Look for Special OffersSometimes the best deals are found online. This holds true for credit cards too. Try logging into your account online and looking for a section covering special offers or promotional offers. The credit card companies often offer interest rate deals right there in the online account center for those savvy enough to find them.Do a Balance Transfer to a Better CardIf you have little success in lowering the interest rate on your current card, it's probably time to move on to another card that can offer what you need.

By transferring your entire balance to another credit card, you can often score awesome promotional balance transfer interest rates ranging from zero percent for a year to a low fixed rate for the life of your balance. Usually these come with a small balance transfer fee, but the money saved in interest alone can be truly astonishing!Maintain Really Good Credit and the Offers Will Come to You

The better your credit score is, the more likely you'll be to receive the best offers by mail. Credit card companies are known to offer some really awesome zero or low interest deals to new customers with the hope of acquiring and keeping these good customers for life. Some of the very best offers are only made available to a select few with excellent credit. You can take part in this by maintaining superb creditworthiness.No matter what method you choose to use, knowing how to lower your credit card interest rates can have really fantastic results and save you bundles on finance charges. Keep more of your money!


Tips on Getting More from Your Credit Card Rewards Program

Tips on Getting More from Your Credit Card Rewards Program
by Ann WilsonCopyright (c) 2008 Ann Wilson

Do you own a reward credit card or are you planning on applying for one? Many people own one or more reward credit cards on their account but not all of them are reaping the rewards they deserve. In this article, let's discuss some tips on how you can get more from your credit card rewards program and how to make sure that you'll be redeeming those well-deserved rewards:Use your discount privileges. Most reward credit cards include discount privileges that are exclusive only to their card holders.

Are you aware of the discount privileges your credit card provides? If not, then take the time to review the terms of your card or check online and make sure that you are maximizing the full potential of your credit card. For instance, some credit cards provide printable coupon codes online that you can use in purchasing from selected merchants. Usually, all you need to do is register online in order to access these printable discount coupons and get big savings.Pay your balance in full each month.

Reward credit cards usually come with higher interest rates than regular credit cards so you'll want to make sure that you're not carrying a balance over to the next billing cycle. Why would you pay for additional cost on the interest rates when you can avoid it by paying on time? If you need to pay for the interest rate each time, you may actually be paying more than what you earn from your reward credit card.Stay true to your card's terms and conditions. Did you know that not paying your bills on time, delaying on your payments or exceeding your credit limit can disqualify you from redeeming your rewards? Yes, most reward credit cards impose this rule on their card holders.

If you're not sure, take out your copy of your credit card's terms and conditions and review the stipulations on this matter. To be sure that you'll be eligible to claim your hard-earned points, always stay true to your credit card's conditions.Use your reward credit card wisely. To collect points and earn your rewards quickly, obviously you need to use your credit card. Nevertheless, this doesn't mean you need to go out of your way to make unnecessary purchases which can result to credit card debt.

Remember, it is crucial for you to pay off your monthly balance regularly to avoid the interest and penalty fees. Exercise caution when using your reward credit card and don't charge purchases on it just to collect your rewards.Pay your utilities using your reward credit card. One way to rack up those points without making unnecessary purchases is to use your reward credit card in paying your monthly utilities. These include your electricity, cable, telephone, gasoline, and other services you're subscribed to. You can also work as a family in collecting points on your reward credit card. If your family members need to make purchases, tell them to charge on your card and pay you the cash instead. This way, you can accumulate more points on your account without breaking your budget.


Instant Approval Credit Cards: How They Work

Instant Approval Credit Cards: How They Work
by Ed Vegliante

Everything moves faster in today's world. Credit card companies recognize that consumers expect fast results, and they have responded accordingly. You can now apply for what is known as the instant approval credit card. How does this type of card work? And just how "instant" is it? Here's the run-down on instant approval credit cards and how to decide if one is right for you.Where to Find ThemApplications for instant approval credit cards are not likely to show up in your mailbox.

You can, however, find them online by going to a credit card website. They are often listed in a section of their own. Some can be found in other categories, such as low interest rate cards or cards for those with poor credit.What "Instant" MeansMost companies advertise that you will know whether or not you've been approved for the card within 60 seconds. This means that after you fill out an online application and send it in, a response will be e-mailed to you in less than a minute.

The process is incredibly faster than sending in an application through the mail.Getting approved for a credit card does not mean that you can begin using it right away. You will have to wait for the actual piece of plastic to arrive in your mailbox. In most cases, this takes between five and seven business days. Once you have the card in your hands, you'll need to call a number to authorize that you have received it. Then you're free to swipe it as you wish.

How the Process Works
Just how do companies instantly know if you can handle a credit card? In most situations, companies run a quick check on your credit. They usually have access to your FICO score. FICO stands for Fair Isaac & Company, the corporation that develops credit scores for consumers. The numbers range from 300 to 850. The higher your score is, the more likely you are to get approved for a credit card.

When the credit card company receives your score and approves the application, it then does a more thorough check. It reviews your credit and makes a final decision based on that. While the instant approval is not a 100% guarantee, in most cases the answer you first receive is the correct one.Having your private information sent through the Internet may seem scary. But there is hardly a need to worry about fraud in the instant approval process.

Credit card companies use the latest data encryption available to make sure that your information remains secure. If you are unsure of a site, check for a padlock on the screen. This indicates that they use the latest security technology.At one time, instant approval credit cards mostly targeted consumers with good or excellent credit. Today, however, competition between credit card companies has increased greatly. This has resulted in more options for you, the consumer.

Even if your credit is poor, you can find cards that offer the instant approval feature.Regardless of the card you choose, you'll want to read through the fine print before you apply. Also review the other benefits and rewards that are included. Once you've chosen the one that's right for you, the application process takes only a few minutes. You'll soon have another credit card to add to your wallet.


How To Safely Get Yourself A Credit Card

How To Safely Get Yourself A Credit Card
by Warren Peters

When someone applies for a credit card online, they may have some questions about the process. A number of finance companies now offer this service, and go to great lengths to ensure that it is both convenient for the user, and that the application process is clear and helpful.These websites like to also guarantee that all the important questions are answered when the person fills out an application online. Prior to applying, one of the first things to locate on the website is a sitemap.

Many people miss this, however, it does speed up navigating almost any website.Sometimes there are many different types of finance offers available on these sites including the credit card offer. When you visit this type of website, the competition for your attention is fierce and interest rates and discounts on car insurance, credit cards and rental cars are part of the overall site.All you need to do is simply go to the credit card portion of the site using either a link or button you'll find.

Then you can apply for your credit card by clicking the submit button which is usually close to the bottom of the form and forget about all that other stuff.Shortly after clicking on the apply button a form should load where you can continue with your application for credit card. It is usually a simple and straightforward procedure, and it shouldn't take you too long to complete the process.

Make sure that the process is secure prior to entering your personal information. You should look for a lock on your browser to make sure that you arrived at the right place.When applying for credit cards, don't rush into it. You will want to stop and think about the personal details that are required from you in order to apply. You'll also need to think if you really need a credit card or you just want it.If you have your details in advance and decide to go forward, it will make the form filling process that much easier.

There is nothing worse than having to hunt around for information while you're trying to complete the application process.You'll need the usual information such as your name, where and when you were born, where you currently live and the like. The card company will probably ask other important information like your driver's license, social security number and the like so that they can verify that you are the person you say you are.

After that just sit back and relax while the information is processed complete the application. Make sure that security is present. Like I said, a little lock at the bottom of the screen.When you apply for credit card, it's best to forget about the application completely if you don't get immediate approval. The wait time depends on the credit card company.

Your credit worthiness can be ascertained in as little as 10 to 20 seconds or can take upwards of a couple of weeks.With some credit card companies, you might find yourself having to wait a couple of weeks, whilst others will tell you a couple of days. People with good credit records generally have to wait less time when they apply for a credit card.If you have late or defaulted payments on your credit report that's going to mess up your credit score, and you might not get the card. Because these applications are paramount, and they could decide which card you should apply for.


Credit Cards and Free Prepaid Credit Cards

Credit Cards and Free Prepaid Credit Cards
by Steve Evans

Before anything else, you ought to note that when in search of an ideal credit card or prepaid credit card for teens, it has got to be one that comes without more charges or costs, requires ninety to a hundred percent of bank balance as its credit limit and demands a minimum sum of capital as the least bank balance.Prepaid credit cards function by requiring the interested individual to open an account, strictly with a credit card firm or bank and uphold a particular sum of capital in the account; the extent to which you can spend capital using the credit card or prepaid credit card for teens is more often than not ascertained by the cash in the bank and acts as a controlling button for those with reckless spending habits.

Credit cards also include travel credit cards, which are cards that can be utilized strictly for travel purposes and come with offers of numerous discounts and rewards.A credit card sales person can take up the nuisance of filling an application form for a credit card, or prepaid credit card for teens particularly if you are an extraordinarily busy person.

The beauty about the credit card procedure is that it is achievable for just about everyone I've met, including you, regardless of wage or condition; so don’t panic when applying for a credit card. If you are a shop owner or a business proprietor, looking to experience an increase in the sales of your services, you ought to check up on getting a credit card processing machine as a result of the fact that the practice of paying for services with capital is promptly becoming obsolete.

Though interest rates are beneficial and must be considered when in search of the suitable credit card, or prepaid credit card for teens some persons give it little or no thought as a result of the fact that they’re financially knowledgeable in handling payments on time; don’t be like such folks, so that is where a prepaid credit card for teens can be the best solution.

The principle of a credit card is essentially simple, purchase now, make the paying later…it allows you to spend capital you don’t have with the understanding that you will pay it back when you get your wages. Consolidating your credit card debts has got to be a step you take only if you’ve found a current credit card firm that presents lower credit card interest rates than your preceding credit card companies.

In ending, if you are still in school with your first credit card or for example, prepaid credit card for teens, you ought to be wise enough to regard it as a stepping stone to other levels of credit cards later on in your life and use it as sensibly as possible; how well you use it now will really impact positively on your forthcoming economic life.

A Credit Card For All Your Business Needs

A Credit Card For All Your Business Needs
by Hamm Morgan

Credit cards are not just for personal and individual use. There are credit cards for business convenience, purposes and purchases, like that emergency overseas business trip you just have to take, or all the business supplies that just have to be replenished before the end of the day. In instances like these, the business credit card is not just a luxury for your company; it becomes almost a necessity to help keep operations going.Different types of credit cards for business are available in the market from all the finance companies.

Some cards help you to keep track of your business’ requisitions and expenses by categorizing your charges on your bills. These categories are set up by you, as only you would be able to decide on which kinds of purchases are authorized on such cards. When making a transaction, your bill would automatically categorize the purchases – making it easier for you to distinguish one purchase from another, and to be kept on your toes of the other purchases made by those within the company.

This helps in the justification of each of these purchases for claims and clarification when necessary.Other credit cards may also offer you cash back rewards on your purchases. These “rewards” may give you between five and eight percent back on your monthly statements, which means every 100 dollars spent will be five to eight dollars less in your next bill. Other rewards come in the form of points which can be redeemed for specific business items like wireless services, office supplies at partnering outlets or even gas at your favorite gas station chain.

Rewards can also come in the form of discounts for purchases exceeding a certain amount – this is useful particularly in a consolidated monthly statement for the business credit cards dispersed to the company, which translates into more savings for the business.If you are in a business that requires a lot of travelling, chalk up your travel miles with a credit card that partners up with an airline, which earns you travel miles with every dollar you spend so you can exchange them for free flight tickets for your next trip.You may well discover that the best business credit card for you is one that doubles up as a checking account as well.

Although this is not offered by many credit card companies, you may find that being able to write checks for your suppliers and vendors against your credit line is a convenient business tool to have. Payments for these checks will have the same payment grace period as your credit card, as all amounts issued in the checks will be consolidated in one credit card statement. This means if you are using a card which offers you cash back rewards or rebates on your purchases, you will be saving more in your next bill as long as they are paid within the grace period.

The best business credit card is one that offers you the best of everything – no annual fee charges, cash back or rebates on your purchases, bonuses for your expenses and discounts when you shop at participating partners – while offering you a low or 0 Annual Percentage Rate (also known as 0 APR) for the initial months of using the card and allowing to make a business credit card balance transfer as well. Finding such a card may be easier than you think.

Just shop online and you will find more than one which will fulfill your business needs while giving you benefits on the side.Most business credit cards offer a twelve-month 0 APR for all retail purchases and a 0 APR for balance transfers to the card as well. This saves you lots on interest payments while helping you to manage your company expenses at the same time. Even better, source for a card which gives you a lower APR than the conventional ten to twelve-percent-per-year.

Competitive credit cards usually offer a very attractive low interest rate of between five and seven percent – on top of which you will still be eligible for rebates, cash backs, rewards and discounts.The credit line is the other thing you will need to consider in a business credit card. Depending on the size of your company, the nature of your business and number of people authorized for the cards, you may choose between a lower credit line in the proximity of thirty thousand dollars and a limitless credit card.

Naturally, having a higher credit line will mean more stringent rules for spending on only business necessities and having these expenses tied in with other benefits like travel miles and discounts at partnering providers will not just be a prudent move, but sound business sense.